All artwork is reviewed to ensure a mutual fit, which includes price fit, aesthetic fit, cultural fit, and ethical fit. All incoming artwork is reviewed and selected by a gallery committee. All new artists will be given a chance to sell their work within a trial window to ensure a mutual interest between the artist and gallery.
1. Artists receive 60% commission on the sale of work based on the agreed retail price.
2. Incoming work will be reviewed and work may be refused for any reason. Work will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
3. Artists cannot undersell the price point established at AuSable Artisan Village gallery within a 30-mile radius of the gallery.
4. The gallery does not insure artworks.
5. Artist commissions are paid within the first ten days of the month following the month in which the sale occurred, including a printed record of all items sold.
6. Artisan Village reserves the right to discount the price of any work in customer negotiations, including member discounts. If a sale is discounted, the discount will be taken from the profit of the gallery, and the artist’s profit of 60% retail value will remain in-tact.
7. Artists should expect to provide new work to maintain a fresh display. The displays will be reviewed periodically. The location allocated to the artist and its presentation shall be determined by the gallery curator. Artists are expected to work cooperatively with the curator to ensure a clean and professional presentation.
8. Artists are expected to provide work that best represents their unique craft. Should an artist wish to expand offerings outside their typical scope of work, they must work with the gallery curator to ensure the new work is a good fit.
9. All incoming artworks are reserved for the Artisan Village gallery. An artist may not remove their work for any reason without prior notice of request to the gallery curator.
10. All incoming artworks must be approved by the gallery curator, and the curator must be notified in advance prior to any artwork delivery.
11. All new artists are required to purchase an annual $50 AAV Artist Membership, which includes additional perks for artists.
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